Friday, August 7, 2009

Disciplining our peeps

Earlier today my youngest son (19 months old) was up to his usual mischief, messing with the pot plants. My eldest son (3.5 years old) noticed that I noticed the mischief. Before I could respond my eldest said, "daddy, Mika deserves a wax". This got me thinking about our discipline process at home and why my eldest would make such a statement, something I will sometimes say, unconciously. What follows is our discplining process (mostly)...

I grew up in a household where my dad used emotionally abusive language as a form of discipline. I couldn't wait to leave home, to feel safe. Today, as a parent, I discipline in a different way (jury still out as to whether our way is better though). We use time-out where we count out loud "time-out 1", "time-out 2" & "time-out 3". We use this when our boys are naughty but playful. When they get rude or abusive in another way we use "hiding 1", "hiding 2" & "hiding 3". After the 3rd count for time-out they get sent to a time-out corner for a few minutes to reflect on their actions. With hiding it's literally translates to a slap on the bum. Follow through is quite important or else they don't take you seriously. So be STRONG. It's equally important to take the time to explain to your child that what they've done was unacceptable.
What are your thoughts on good examples of discipline styles? What are your thoughts on good discipline?

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