Sunday, October 4, 2009

Get Rich Quick Scheme = Low Self Esteem = Desperation

There are many people who are actively promoting get rich quick schemes via the likes of Twitter and Facebook . They all give the reader the impression that it's a sure win, that with very little effort you will be making millions within a few weeks to a year. The thing about a recession is that its populace are usually experiencing despair of one form or another, i.e. they are easy targets for get rich quick schemers/scammers. You know who you are. In short, they make up most of the spam on the Internet. If you're into get rich quick schemes then do us all a favour and STOP!

The high prevalance of SPAM and, in particular, the high prevalance of get rich quick "opportunities" begs the following question: What makes someone promote such a scheme? What brings a person to this place of wanting to feed off others? Of selling empty promises? Of insulting the rest of us? So much so that spam has spawned a massive anti-spam industry.

The answer? DESPARATION, in my opinion. And Ethics is one of the first things to go when it comes to desparate people. Now is the time for putting our shoulders to the wheel, a time for reflection and reinvention, a time for contribution, NOT a time for conning your fellow human being. 

Is there an alternative to all of this? Something more ethical and more sustainable? Is it really possible to make a legitimate income working fulltime via the Internet? Many will tell you YES! but have they really made the money they claim to have made? Ask yourself this ... If I legitametly made bucket loads of money on auto-pilot and I've consequently reached a place of financial freedom then WHY would I charge you $97 for my secret? WHY?

Your thoughts?

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