Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A child's trust

Wikipedia defines trust as a "relationship of reliance". To rely on someone is to have confidence or faith in that person. To trust another means to be sure that that the other has your best interest at heart.

From the day your child is born you, as the parent, very quickly become a beacon of safety to him. He trusts you completely. You are the centre of the universe to him or, in my case, my wife is nr 1 and I'm nr 4 in the "pecking" order. So, not dead-centre, but close enough. He depends on you. It is this trust that we (as parents) either strengthen or weaken over time, depending on the degree to which we invest in them. By investing in them I mean spending quality time with them, "being present" time.

The last thing my son did tonight before drifting off to sleep was slip his two Bakugan Battle Brawlers into  my right-hand. That was him trusting me. He trusted me to put his brawlers up high where his younger brother could not get hold of it and then destroy it, these were and still are (at the time of writing) his most prized possessions. I hope we'll still share such a relationship of trust when he is my age one day.

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