Monday, August 3, 2009

Is personal change possible?

A 40-year-old client recently asked me a fundamental question about personal change, i.e. "Is personal change truly possible given that I've internalised so much stuff?" The answer to this question is directly dependant on your beliefs about change. For example, if you believe that personal change (for the better) is possible, then it is. If you believe that it is not then it's not.

Let me use alcoholism as an example... If you do not believe that you have a drinking problem then it will be near impossible to get well. If, however, you acknowledge that you have a problem then you might begin to entertain the possibility of a healthier reality. This same principle applies to other 'unhealthy' areas in your life.

Let me use another example... Imagine you walk into a car showroom and you have a look at a new, top of the range, car. You could tell yourself that you can't afford it because you do not have the money and you could be thinking that you'll never be able to afford it, and that's it, you go home. However, imagine if you asked yourself "I wonder how I could afford this?" Notice the difference in approach?

Imagine how such a change in approach towards your life's challenges could change your reality?

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