Thursday, August 13, 2009

Making "me time"

As a young dad I cannot stress how challenging yet vitally important it is to build in some "me time" into your life. I know that it's difficult to achieve and then maintain a healthy balance. More of one thing means less of another. However, don't let me stop you! "Me time" to me is about rejuvenation. It's about doing whatever I choose to do. It's not about impressing another. It's about enjoyment. It's about absorption.

"Me time" for me is updating my blog, playing my PS3 after everyone's gone to bed, having a long hot shower, driving my car with no passengers while listening to whatever music suits my mood at that moment and it's also watching a good sci-fi movie. I'd also like to squeeze in a regular cardio-vascular exercise program but can't seem to find the time between my work, social and family commitments. More experienced parents have told me not to stress about it since it gets easier as your children get older. I'll keep you posted on whether this holds true for my situation.

They all say the same thing, i.e. enjoy the time with your children when they still want to be in your company all the time, when you are the centre of the universe to them. Make the most of the time together because, before you know it, it's come and gone.

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