Monday, August 3, 2009

Not Knowing

Sometimes not knowing where I stand with respect to a particular situation can drive me insane. This is especially the case if I have done all that I can already. There is a part of me that replays aspects of the situation where I mentally and emotionally "improve" the quality of my input as part of the replay. I do this to make myself feel better about the experience. This is one of my many coping mechanisms. I am learning to be OK with not knowing. One of the challenges with not knowing is that of procrastinating important decisions due to a belief that knowing could change the decision that is made. Life becomes a balancing act where I juggle many balls hoping that 'knowing' will simplify my experience. A friend said to me over the past weekend that I should go ahead and make a decision based on the information that is currently available and then deal with the new information as and when it arrives as a result of knowing. Interesting advice. I do, however, choose and continue to choose my own path. While I understand that my friend means well I also understand that my path (and his as well as yours) is unique. This means that what makes sense to you may not make senses to me and vice versa. Are you aware of that which you do not know? How will knowing change your situation?

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